
Thursday, September 8, 2011

Spiders and Fevers

So last night I was feeling feverish, I took my temp and it was 95.7, I was chilled and it was a cheap thermometer so I didn't think much of it. I took an IB profin and went to sleep. At about 4 :30 am I fed Hudson, when I see a spider crawling across our bed. I scream, TJ thinks Hudson is dead, I jump up on our bed, Hudson laughs, TJ kills spider. I took another IB profin in the morning and took Hudson to my work to meet everyone, he loved it. Then it went down hill, I started feeling week and hungry, I got a McDonalds salad mainly because that is the only place on the way home. My fever skyrocketed. I took a Tylenol and turned the space heater on and put on all my warm clothes. I called my mom crying, it was really hard to take care of Hudson. Hudson ran out of diapers so I ran to the store and bought a temporal thermometer. Hudson was fine, mom was at a 103.7 and rising. Finally I called my Dr and we realized I had a breast infection, it crossed my mind, but I had one before and didn't have a fever. So some more IB profin and penicillin later and I'm feeling much better.

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