One day you put your baby down to sleep and when you check on him he is not where you have left him he has completely moved directions and location in the crib.
Hudson must have some developmentally enriching sleep. As a matter of fact I dreamed that he was talking to me last night.
All the new tricks Hudson performed today:
Mimicking me on the laptop mouse pad with his hand it was really quite amazing.
Diving at and attacking the craisins bag after I ate some he grabbed onto and sucked on it.
Grabbing all his toys and putting them in his mouth not just the monkey.
Moving locations in the crib, kind of scary for a moment I thought he was gone.
Rolling over to be next to me and because he wanted my attention.
I was going through his clothes today too and kept tossing shirts on him to see if they fit, he got a real kick out of this.
Oh yes and Hudson does not like his binky, he usually hocks it out but now that he has figured out his hands he will now grab it and drop it as far from him as possible, as if to politely say "keep that thing away from me!"
I don't know if I'm ready for all this growing up business!
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