This is my baby isn't he cute!!?? He turned 5 months today I can't believe it. He is the sweetest, happiest, funniest little man! He's weighing in at 19 pounds, today I upgraded to size 4 diapers, hope it works!! He sometimes reminds me of a little lion cub, he paws at things and scratches the couches and even makes a rower sound. Granted he also reminds me of a little man in so many ways. Am I not the luckiest to be able to hang out with him all day everyday?
I think I might be obsessed or in love probably both!
Liz!!!! Hudson is so cute and I can not believe how big he is. Want to know something funny. Bella is 20 months old and is only 22 lbs and wears a size 4 diaper! She is my little light weight! Can you believe that we are moms? When did we grow up. Anyhow, you have a beautiful family.