
Sunday, August 22, 2010

Teaching Kids Faith

So I've started working on my personal progress again, that is Mormon lingo for a program the young women do to grow and develop virtues for their future. As I am now working with them I decided it would be fun and it has been. I interviewed my mother-in-law on how to teach children faith. For those of you who don't know my mother-in-law raised 13 kids in an extremely loving and happy environment, they've all turned out better than good if you were to ask 10 out of 10 people. Anyway, she said it's who you are and what you do. TJ also told me that what he noticed about his mom is she was/is confident, happy, and a really good example to not only her family but all those around. Come to think of it when I look at the most faith-filled people I know they are really happy. So I'm working on strengthening my faith. Some things I've learned along the way are:
  • we are the only ones that limit God, He can really do anything
  • we must work and do all that is in our power, ex. we can't break our arm and expect God to set it back in place with out at least trying to place it in the proper form fist, He could do it, but we need to do all we can first
  • praying with faith is necessary, even though the very act of praying shows we have faith, when we actually believe He will answer our prayers, He will, and probably when you are just relaxed and not worried
  • when we make decisions by faith we don't have to worry, God is on our side
Well that is just for starters.

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