
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

T- 1 month

sleepy boy Grizzly Creek
Self-made Gladiator Man Cuff

mom's turn
Colorado River, circa Grizzly Creek

Grizzly Creek

Pumping Iron

One of my favorite things

With Daddy and the Aspens

"the future is as bright as your faith"- Thomas Monson

me looking 15

that's my boy!
Little Huds turned 11 months today. I want him to grow up and have a normal life but I want him to stay my baby all at the same time. Sometimes I randomly cry realizing he's going to grow up and leave me, other times I think maybe I will finally get some sleep, but I wouldn't trade Hudson for sleep EVER, well unless TJ was with him. Anyway, for his 11 month birthday he slept in till 10 am, 11 months going on 17 years I guess. He measured in at 31" long and about 21 pounds from our rough measuring. He's lost weight but growing straight up. He's not really interested in walking, he tried on his own a couple times and fell and is thoroughly convinced crawling is much more efficient and safer. He does climb up on everything and likes to stand and has great balance but we aren't pushing him to walk. On one of his attempts to stand he grabbed onto a 13 month old and climbed right up him bear hugging him, and was so excited, the 13 moth old was not so excited. He loves people and other kids, seriously the most social being I have yet to know, but what do you expect from TJ and me right? He gives the sweetest smiles, especially to me and will initiate peek-a-boo. He also loves to growl. His vocab doesn't seem to be expanding past dada and growling lately, even though he has said hi and momma in the past. He likes to point at things and move our fingers to point at things in books. He likes to wave when people say hi, and will often wave at people to get their attention. My favorite is when he waves and then cocks his head to the side trying to get someones attention. Hudson has already learned that the grocery store is the place to pick up ladies and we usually can't get through without at least a few oohhs ahhs, cheek pinching, etc. I even had a lady offer to take him home just for a little bit and give me a break. What kind of mother do I look like right? He is a celebrity at church and has had many a 2 year old yell, Hu-son, while pointing to Hudson, their parents not having any idea what their child is saying, till they convince their parents to go to the bathroom and Hudson gets a visit instead. Hudson now has his 4 front teeth they all came in, in less than a month and he didn't seem too bothered. He eats about every 3 hours and can put down quite a bit of food. He LOVES yogurt and puts down a quart a week of plain Greek yogurt. He also loves sweet potatoes, sounds kind of like TJ, yogurt and sweet potatoes hmmm. He's not so interested in cheerios anymore. He loves making loud noises and rolling balls and trucks. He's due for a second hair cut, I'm considering letting him have the shag but don't tell TJ. Today we went and looked at our dream home, it's in the middle of nowhere but it's on 5 acres with a creek and bridge. It was on the market for 1.5 million in 2007 and is down to 450K, it needs some work but it's so dreamy, I have to stop thinking about it and or hope it stays on the market and keeps dropping till we meet a happy medium! It's not showy but it's this little farmhouse that's been revamped, well it's 6 bedrooms but it doesn't seem so big, hopefuly someday we will own it and you can come visit us, I keep telling myself that my happiness doesn't depend on that home but TJ and I call it ours, maybe in the next life right? We are a bit nervous about some of the repairs, no one wants to but the money pit right, and we are pretty sure that's why it is still on the market and dropping 100K every 3 months, give it 6 more months at this rate and it may be ours right? I'm tempted to put a picture but I don't want anyone else to buy it, so until it's ours or sold, you are just going to have to live in suspense, even though I doubt anyone has read this far. Here come some pics.


  1. I read that far. Its great to hear what my sisters are up to! I hope you get that dream house and I hope it is wonderful condition.

  2. On another note, where was that cover photo of you and Hudson taken? Wes wants to know. That place is gorgeous.
