I forgot last night to mention Hudson turned 6 months yesterday!!! It was a beautiful December day in the high 50's. He gave me a gift he slept through the entire night without a fe
He's still only around 19 pounds hehe which is about the size of a 9 month old and he is completely proportionate, head, weight and length. He is fun to do just about anything with! He made a great travel buddy to Glenwood Springs, I only had to sit in back with him once and sing Christmas songs till he dozed off. He laughs and smiles all the time, sometimes I wonder if it's too much, like wonder if he has angelman syndrome or something, but he is doing phenomenal on his development. He babbles and he can move around on the floor about 3 feet with rolling and scooting etc. He just went down for a nap and is even giggling in his sleep. When he laughs really hard he makes the best noise I'll have to post it.
He is really easy going, he will start to choke on his saliva or hand and then smile, while I am freaking out. His favorite toys are his mini football and all his development toys like the exersaucer and stuff I don't know the name of. My mom handed down a big Tonka jeep to us at Christmas and he loves that, I thought he would be too young for it, but he reached for it and moves it just a little bit, I also found him abandoning all his other toys the other day and trying with all his might to army crawl about 5 ft to it, he made it about 3 and then I distracted him. Sometimes I will turn my back and he is laying in a completely different spot and direction when I turn back around a minute later, I really wish I could see how he does this! He does really well with other little ones, he loves watching the older ones and learning from them, he always pulls out new tricks when he has spent time with older kids, he also loves holding other little ones hands and we thought it was so sweet but now we realize he is always trying to put their hands in his mouth, still makes for good photo opps.
Hudson has taken to solids like a pro, he loves his rice cereal and his green vegis, he would always make this face like this is disgusting but then gobble them down, I started with peas because he chowed down on some of my split pea soup a couple months back, peas do seem to be his favorite. He likes his fruit too, he doesn't make the this is disgusting face but doesn't seem to enjoy them quite as much as his vegis, I would say he loved peas and squash, and has been all right with apples and green beans. Today is carrots! I got lazy and started mixing his rice cereal with formula instead of breastmilk because it's only a couple tablespoons but he has started getting gassy and spitting up a lot (which he had only done 4 times before ever) so I am going to go back, there is cow's milk in that stuff, which I think is wild, I can't drink milk so I'm not going to make him.
Hudson has made me a better person, I really love his joyful spirit, now I really have to think to get mad or frustrated, he has taught me to just be happy and chill, and I love having that joyful feeling in our home at all times. With this whole moving to Glenwood process I've rarely worried or stressed out, which is pretty miraculous for me, although when people ask me when I'm leaving I am a little short-fused I still don't know but sometime in the next 7 days as TJ start work the 9th out there. We are just waiting for our new landlord to give us a date. Our rent is up here on the 5th I think I need to check on that. Well back to packing, I just had to spill out all my love for this little guy!
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