
Sunday, August 28, 2011


Ahhhh . . . .
Hudson is taking a nap. I should probably be straightening up the house (TJ and I have an interview at 8am at our house tomorrow morning for the year-long hiring process to become a seminary teacher) but the blog needs a little love and care and the house is almost there.

We'll start with the H-Bomb, Hudson started to sleep in 8 hour increments, (minus last night) last week. Pray that he picks back up on this. He still likes to be awake ALL the time (unless we are sleeping too) but I'm learning how to get him to nap. He's Mr Smiles and Social Pants (kind of like his parents). He's 8 weeks old and already around 13 pounds. Most people think he is like 6 months old. At church he is surpassing all the kids in size that were born way before him. I even caught him staring at a baby girl and a little girl during church today. We took Hudson to his first football game and he seemed to watch the players move across the field. He's been giggling for about 3 or 4 weeks and rolling over from front to back for about 6, I tried to get it on film but he would not have it. Hudson has been to Stewart Falls and now met all his cousins. He was blessed on August 14th he was all smiles and I hear that he was getting bounced pretty high in the circle. The kid has been to so many weddings I'm pretty sure he thinks life is one big party, but to tell you the truth his parents kind of feel the same way minus all the sad stuff but life wouldn't bee such a party without it right???

TJ is working hard! He started teaching 3 seminary classes at Olympus last week. He loves it! He is also attending the U and has this semester and the next left. He also works the night shift at UPS so he is one busy man, none-the-less he is happy as he is doing what he loves and him and Hudson are best buds. If TJ is sleeping/eating/going to the bathroom, Hudson is doing the same. When Hudson sees his Dad in bed at night when I feed him he smiles at him and squaks at him.

I am well I am great! Once Hudson started sleeping through the night I was a new woman. I started running everyday but was getting slower and slower so I do every other day now with lots of walks. I've really never been happier. I feel like having a baby is challenging but it's what I've always wanted in my life and having the things I've wanted so bad for so long an AMAZING husband who is so full of love and smiles, who really is "without guile" who works hard even while going to school so I can be home with Hudson and a darling son who is also full of light and smiles is more than I could have ever asked for. Thanks God, I'm living my biggest dreams!


  1. Hudson and Lydia weigh the same!!! Oh my gosh, he is so cute. And YOU look absolutely amazing!!!

  2. First off you look great! Second your baby is super cute, and growing too fast. Last time I looked at your blog he was just born and now he seems so big. Also who made that amazing knit white blanket he is laying on in our of your pictures?

  3. thanks friends! The blanket was made by my little sister and it is amazing, thanks!!!
