
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Soo Much Fun

Man the past couple weeks have been some of the best in my life!!! With the weather finally at a temperature that makes you want to go outside life is good! TJ and I purchased a new car about a month age well new to us it's an 07 Corolla, I named her Betty I sill love Olga, the Jetta though! We've already tried to show Betty all the pretty sights around here.

TJ and I ran a relay called Running with Ed, with 3 others of his family members, it was 42 miles and we took 4th. It is a fundraiser for Park City School District. We woke up about 6 am and I checked the weather forecast for PC and told Teej, "it's winter up there!" it had actually snowed 6", but stopped at 9 our start time was 10. It felt warm while I was running but then when we stopped we would freeze! I was really excited to do this because I ran the Wasatch Back 2 years ago a 188 mile relay and it was my favorite race ever! A couple weeks later I was running in the am thinking how much I wished I had signed up for the Wasatch Back when I arrived home to a text from the same team I ran with 2 years ago. Their work sponsors it and a man had dropped out and they thought of me, so I will be running with some of the same team mates!!!! I'm in better shape this year and I am running one of the hardest legs!! I am so happy about this I actually was jumping up and down!

After the relay we went to the U19 national rugby tournament down at Rio Tinto, it will probably be a long time before it's here again. TJ was captain of the rugby team in high school it was really fun to watch him and to cheer for Highland although they barely lost to United. They tied it from 0-13 at the half then United scored and then Highland was about to score when United booted it out of bounds:-(

My dad came into town for a few days it was hard to juggle work and dad but we managed to eat some good food, talk a lot, hike Ensign peak, trailblaze through City Creek canyon, and do some family history work. My dad is always blazing trails when we go hiking and you just got to follow him or else you may not have a ride home! It was really fun to have my dad here because he is my dad and there is no one else like him, he really brought a good feeling to our home.

One of the other things that makes me so happy is that on Saturday Lily got married!!!! Lily was a good friend of mine on my mission and we were roommates after here in SLC, she is one of the smartest and sweetest people I know. She really deserves the best and the way her hubby looked at her really made me happy, he's a Salt Lake local as well and all of his background screening came back with rave reviews as all of Lily's old roommates and I stalked him to check him out when they started talking marriage! Lily deserves the best and it looks like she found him or he found her, either way I hope they move to SLC! It's just not the same without Lily here!

There is a new display at Temple Square of the Temple it shows a scaled version of it with the side cut out so you can see inside, people often get confused as to whether the Temple is a cathedral or what.

After the wedding we went up to Midway to run one of my legs we got lost a lot but it was so much fun, and so pretty! TJ's friend Scott called who happened to be at his families condo in midway and we went and shot some holes I wasn't to shabby at golf and it was my first time playing. On the way home we ran over some deer guts, which will come into play soon.

TJ has a friend Jesse who is a river guide down in Moab we went down the Colorado with him in duckies they are like a 2 man raft. I was way more fun than rafting!!!! We even hopped out at a spot to redo some rapids and ended up flipping. I have been rafting twice before and really had no fears but recently had friends tell me some horror storries so my goal was not to tip over. Well we did and my first thought was this is not so bad, my next thought this isn't so cold, my next thought ROCKS!!!!! but there weren't any phew, then BUSHES!!!! Jesse told us to stay away from those. TJ hopped back in and I tried but our life jackets plus being a woman made it so hard my life jacket kept getting in my way and soon we were headed straight into the bushes. Luckily it got really shallow and I jumped in, thank you bushes!!! It was one of the most fun things I've ever done I highly reccomend it. We brought our friends Ted and Marissa but I neglected to take any pictures of them darn it! It was 93 degrees and perfect, plus we got a little camping in, and I had a nice morning run up Kane canyon. We heard a man snore like a bear and a neighboring camps dog bypassed the bacon we were cooking to lick the deer guts off our car, don't worry we washed it today! This morning either we slept through our alarms thanks to the man bear or neither went off, tonight we will set 3 alarms. Oh and today I ran 4 miles up hill, my buns feel like steel! With that happy thought good night!

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