
Sunday, June 27, 2010


I seem to write about life a lot, my old blog was actually entitled life. Life is such a unique experience and the only measure I have is did I do my best? I look at so many people I love and think they have the most wonderful and perfect lives, it's easy for me to forget that there is so much I do not see. A few months back I was a bit bitter as I looked at my kindergarten's best friend's little sisters face book profile I thought, wow could her life be anymore perfect, she is one of the most beautiful people I know inside and outside, she came from an amazing family, a very well off family, she was able to graduate with a great degree right after she got married and moved immediately into a really nice house and has already started her family. I'm so happy for her, but at the time I looked at her life at least what I could see of it and was bitter, did I not deserve those things, I tried my best! Does she realize that most of the world doesn't live that standard. After further reading her sister's blog I read some grievous news about her little sister the one I admired with the perfect life. Turns her life isn't so perfect we just have different trials. I admire her even more for what she's gone through and her faith through it all. Now when I find myself looking at others and thinking those things I realize there is so much more than we see. When others look at me I'm sure there are people who think the same thing. Things like wow that Liz has the best husband in the world not to mention he's pretty handsome as well and I hear he always does the dishes for her too, wow Liz is such a great runner, wow Liz has traveled so much, only the hot sisters get sent to Temple Square, etc. They don't see the weaknesses I see like, I wish I had a better career, I wish I was a mom, I wish I lived above ground level, I wish my husband was done with school, all things that these other people probably already have that I admire. I love my life truly and I feel ridiculous for even writing about the things I wish I had. Besides kids they are all pretty nominal and I have so much more to make up for it all.


  1. granted, this was written a week ago but I had to respond because I wish those SAME exact things, almost word for word for myself as well! So I just wanted to say, I totally know how you feel! :) I definitely wish I had a real career/job that I was really proud of. I wish I was a mommy and I wish Spencer was done with school! And... I wish I didn't get such an awful haircut yesterday. :) I'm glad I have a friend like you who is honest and just puts it out there. Miss you!

  2. I miss you Katie, now that you are back let's get together!
