
Monday, February 4, 2013

2nd time around

6 weeks
8 weeks see the horror in my eyes at my belly

6 weeks Huds
Here we go again!  Wee Connolly #2 due August 2013.  This pregnancy has been way harder than my last, I wonder if it's a way to prepare you for the child you are going to get.  Huds was super easy and he is the best kid in the world.  We shall see.  I haven't been blogging much because most of my posts would probably be about food aversions and the like.  Also the second time around you belly pops out way faster.  I was pretty open about it to people who live here, because it was kind of hard not to notice my belly getting big so quick.
One of the youth I work with at church said, "I was wondering why you were thicker in the middle?" I was convinced it was twins, but there is just one in there.

12 weeks Huds


  1. So cuuute!! I wish you lived here so I could see your cute belly in person :) Bummer that this time around is a lot harder, maybe that means a girl?!?
    Miss you!

  2. i'm so excited for you!! and you are the cutest, most fashionable pregnant person i know :) take lots of pictures!
