First of all: Motorcycle cops that clock peoples speed are DANGEROUS!!! I was 9 months pregnant driving down Foothill when I see someone pointing a huge machine gun at me, I ducked and almost swerved but luckily my brain registered COP in time to save me!
Second: Street signs that say "Stay in your own lane" and "don't follow trucks" "trucks leave roadway" make me laugh, the fact that they have to put these signs up shows me that 1. construction has gone on for too long and 2. there are many people that have licenses that shouldn't
Third: I remembered the first time I drove up I-15, I think I was 14, it seemed so magical heading to Salt Lake where the temple I had always dreamed of lay. I was here for my oldest brothers wedding. I though how cool it would be to live in Utah and dreamed up what it must be like, it kind of is, however I pictured everyone living in newer homes like where I lived, not in the awesome 1950's neighborhood that I live in.
Fourth: I fantasized about Colorado, but tried to focus on that first sight of Salt Lake, and than I fantasized about Colorado some more. We got Hudson's name from a city in Colorado although there are lots of other places with the name Hudson as well. I even thought of driving to Colorado but it sounded too exhausting. I am dyeing to show Hudson the state of Colorado.
Fifth: I remembered the last 4th of July we had at Grand Lake, I guess that one was so awesome it made up for missing this years. Today was Pioneer Day here in Utah, basically 4th of July part II where they celebrate the pioneers coming into the valley, due to my trip to Springville, yesterday and today, I saw somewhere around 50 firework shows all across the valley, and got home in time to be in between the ones at Liberty Park and the U. I promised TJ I wouldn't scare Hudson with the fireworks, so we went inside but I could hear the cannons still. Also apparently Utah has laxed their firework laws so to be honest every night since I have been home from the hospital I have heard/seen fireworks, and they are pretty spectacular.
Sixth: I thought of my best friends in high school Janelle and Sarah, once upon a time Janelle said "I'm the type of person who likes to remember and talk about the past" and we all concurred that we were too, we loved making memories together and than looking back on them. Today I saw my friend Lily who helped me be less sentimental. I want to live in the present but there is something so beautiful about memories. I try to do both live in the present and reminisce the past. I guess you have to live in the present to be able to make new memories to reminisce about. I've had a beautiful life and sometime it's hard to recognize the beauty of a moment until it has passed. I'm working on enjoying the moments that haven't passed because when you have a family of your own they seem to last a lot longer and I want to look back at them in joy.
Big/Little/Baby H is stretching I better get ready for him.♥