
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A day in the life of a pregnant woman amongst PMS'ing women

I walk into work, smiling and get this look that says welcome to prison. I hope everyone is just tired after all I was dragging this morning too. Than I get welcomed with the quizzical "how did you do so well yesterday" from jealous coworkers. Next up, I can't find my manager so I turn to my old manager who sits with us and often baby sits us and ask a question, even he yes he says bitingly "I don't know why don't you ask your manager" and walah just out of eye sight around the corner is my manager. To which a coworker says "how dare you offend your manager like that" completely serious. Another coworker asks a question, my manager doesn't respond, so I tell him the answer to which I get more biting comments and remarks.

A few hours later another coworker walks in who looks like her best friend just died. Seriously! So we are chatting and come to find out one of our other coworkers, her best friend, is dating a dirt bag drug addict, so I'm trying to learn about it so I know what to say as I consider all these ladies my friends even on their worst days and hope I can talk some sense into her and help her see she deserves better and doesn't end up a drug addict. To which my manager who I also consider a friend even on her worse day yells "enough!, not one more word about it!". Just than my perpetually happy manager walks in and I smile, mostly at the humor of the whole days situation but also happy to see someone else happy. He keeps trying to find out what we were banished from talking about but we all remain mute, talking about things can get you in trouble at work. I look around and see a coworkers birthday card from the office, I've spent 3 birthdays there and haven't gotten a single 1, one year I got a Costa Vida salad the day before but it was for a contest I won. All I can think of is well I'm glad TJ is my best friend. Sure I've had my bad days but I usually keep to myself and try to refrain from responding to these common everyday bitings in like manner. Finally I decide this whole place either needs some Midol or bananas, I hear bananas contain Prozac naturally. Maybe a window would help we have one opaque skylight in our whole department and I'm pretty sure everyone that spends most of their daylight hours there is suffering from Seasonal Defective Disorder .

1 comment:

  1. oh liz, you're great. it's season AFFECTive disorder, not defective :)
