CDOT Finishes Glenwood Canyon Trail Repair - Local News Story - KJCT Grand Junction
Check out my 10 seconds of fame around 1:50
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Monday, March 26, 2012
Running Nirvana!
Today was a most perfect day! TJ, Hudson, and I ran over to the pool for some swimming, obviously, well actually mostly to play with Hudson in the water and let him kick his little legs around! After we rolled into the supposed best burger place Charcoal Burger, but the line was so long we decided to try tomorrow. I did a quick grocery run, sans baby, thank you dear husband.
When I got home he even had little Huds asleep, so I went for a 5 mile run, somewhere around mile 4 this euphoric tingling took over my body, every piece of negative energy released, I felt like throwing my hands up in the air and singing, this almost happened once before on the treadmill last month but it was more of a dizzy feeling, this was amazing. I have been a runner for 23 years if you count the mile run in elementary school and I feel like I hit running Nirvana!
I would like to thanks Saucony for their tanks that don't ride up and hold where they need to hold all while being cute, lululemon for preventing chafing, and also looking great, asics for shoes that feel like trampolines and squishy pillows. Most of all I would like to thank my husband for supporting me with hours of running every week and myself for always getting out there to run, through all weather conditions (including the heinous wind today) all body conditions (pregnancy, sickness, chubbiness, tiredness) and pushing myself to this point! Oh yes I can't forget my legs, I couldn't do it with out you two tough beauties!
The day was topped off with dinner with friends and seeing the stars clear and bright as well as some deer just trotting along because we live in their home, not the other way around.

In other family news, we butchered Hudson's hair, it's getting better, TJ worked on it a little more today. Hudson also found this golf ball in the bottom of TJ's closet, he tosses it around and giggles, cries when he can't get to where he batted it to, sucks on it, and never lets go of it, it's so cute!
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Hudson is working really hard to say momma as can be noticed in the next couple videos, that is if I can get them to post. I don' t know if it's our internet connection or blogger. Be sure to watch his eyebrow for his first response!
I was just sitting down thinking, sigh, finally a moment of relaxation, when I hear a happy "dada" from you can guess who's (if you watched the video) room.
Big news of the hour, TJ got his promotion!!! We are so happy about this and feel so blessed. However, once he starts, no vacation for a year. Well got to go enjoy!
I was just sitting down thinking, sigh, finally a moment of relaxation, when I hear a happy "dada" from you can guess who's (if you watched the video) room.
Big news of the hour, TJ got his promotion!!! We are so happy about this and feel so blessed. However, once he starts, no vacation for a year. Well got to go enjoy!
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Blah, blah, blah
Lately Hudson has been saying alot of this "Blah, blah, blah, Dada Dada ILuvDada, and Googoogaga. Yes I know he doesn't understand what he is saying but he is so proud of himself to be able to communicate with us, and we love to hear his opinion on things. He's also been eating pretty much everything, he loves peach yobaby yogurt, and meat ground up of course, he's not so sure about Cheerios, but he loves bread and his rice cereal and fruits and vegis of course. He can feed himself those portable applesauces and has a conniption of excitement whenever he finds one in his diaper bag, it's 100% apples but sometimes I wonder with the way he loves them.
TJ has about 2 months left till he gets his bachelors and is quickly becoming the next man in line for his promotion. We moved out here because the wait was short. They had 7 open positions, they filled 5, 1 has since decided to move, the next 1 down didn't accept, and TJ has been told he has a spot but they aren't sure when they will start training. It's actually working out quite nicely. TJ can do his homework, I can go running when it's above 10 degrees outside, we are happy.
I've been running up a storm, you probably already know that but it's something that I have been seeing success with and it motivates me to push harder everyday, it's only Tuesday and I've already run 20 miles in 2 days, tonight I went for a Zumba class with some friends, another friend teaches it, the treadmill upstairs was calling my name, I think I'm ADDICTED to running, gross I know, but it feels so good!!! I had to remind myself that I was there for social Zumba time, not running. Besides that I know just about every house on the market and it's current status and price in the valley, I should go into real estate, but really if I were to pick anything besides being a wife and mom right now, I think I would teach fitness classes. Like 1 night a week, or maybe a class a day, I'm not sure. Well my eyes are drooping shut!
TJ has about 2 months left till he gets his bachelors and is quickly becoming the next man in line for his promotion. We moved out here because the wait was short. They had 7 open positions, they filled 5, 1 has since decided to move, the next 1 down didn't accept, and TJ has been told he has a spot but they aren't sure when they will start training. It's actually working out quite nicely. TJ can do his homework, I can go running when it's above 10 degrees outside, we are happy.
I've been running up a storm, you probably already know that but it's something that I have been seeing success with and it motivates me to push harder everyday, it's only Tuesday and I've already run 20 miles in 2 days, tonight I went for a Zumba class with some friends, another friend teaches it, the treadmill upstairs was calling my name, I think I'm ADDICTED to running, gross I know, but it feels so good!!! I had to remind myself that I was there for social Zumba time, not running. Besides that I know just about every house on the market and it's current status and price in the valley, I should go into real estate, but really if I were to pick anything besides being a wife and mom right now, I think I would teach fitness classes. Like 1 night a week, or maybe a class a day, I'm not sure. Well my eyes are drooping shut!
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