So I was about to head to bed when I remembered you are supposed to get your spouse certain items for your anniversary depending on the year the first year is paper or clocks. Luckily I printed some pictures and found a really cool frame, so I got the paper thing covered. Even more lucky TJ recently lost his watch as well, so I can buy him one of those too, glad I didn't break tradition the first year. Phew!!!
I've been in a really happy phase of my life but for the past 2 nights I've had intense nightmares. Night one consisted of a comet similar to Hailey's comet that was skidding through the atmosphere causing hurricane like effects. Everyone's windows shattered and a strong wind flew in, my thoughts were good thing I'm a poor newly wed and don't own a home because then I would have to replace the windows, second thought pray. So Lily yes my old roommate and mission colleague was there and I start to pray and then it all stopped. It was a much better dream then any action movie I've been to lately and I attribute this dream to the hurricane in Haiti and a heater above our bed. However as I reflect on it now I think of how life can seem like a hurricane, you never know where you are going to land and quite often have no idea how you are where you are but if you have faith and good attitude why worry it's not going to change where you land for the better.
The night after that I dreamed TJ and I were in some enormous old hotel, think like in The Shinning, and no I haven't seen the movie for years, anyway, wolves are chasing us everywhere and we hide for a while in a room and then scout out to find if it is safe only to run into wolves randomly everywhere. I have no idea where this dream came from but as I sat in the temple tonight and thought everything was so clear about life. When I'm going through day to day I find myself being deceived in really amazing ways, and I wonder how it's possible, then I realize that Satan really is pretty smart and has waged war against the souls of those who follow Christ, I know that by faith in Christ we can completely overcome Satan but I've realized those times where I've though "ha Satan, you wish, go ahead and try to tempt me" well I wouldn't recommend it because he's good but anyway that is a dark subject and I'm going to examine my life and see where the wolves are getting in.
Well it's late I should be in bed I'll throw in some fun pictures and a video so that those of you who really just like to look at pictures enjoy. The video is of a day TJ and I went snowshoeing, we snowshoed a couple miles up a gradual incline that I didn't even notice and then I started to get worried because TJ had to be at work in less time than it took us to hike up there but he lied down head first and said lay on top of me and we sled the whole way down, really everyone else was wondering why they hadn't thought of that but that's why I love my TJ. My hat kept slipping over my eyes so sorry if there are some bad shots and this is just a short bit it took us about 20 mins to get down versus an hour and a half to get up. We also got to spend last weekend in St George with one of TJ's best friends and his new wife and a billion other people it was so nice to get out of the gloom and we even spent an entire day outside playing without coats it was a blast. The pictures are from "The Crack" you shimmy through a crack and then climb out of a hole. I just looked at my photos and will also have to include my chimney sweep husband pictures, one day TJ came home looking like this, he was ripping out the chimney of his brothers home, I think it's kind of hot!
ha! I bet that was a surprise to see TJ come through the door looking like that. I couldn't stop singing the "chim-chiminey chim-chimeny" song to Robbie all day for Mary Poppins. Those are such fun pictures, looks like you guys are always up for an adventure!
ReplyDeletehaha, for sure and especially with you two