I'm so proud of myself I made a dress! I always have these dreams of making things but never attempt because I don't want to mess up. Finally thanks to a sale on this wonderful knit fabric and dying of heat, and ordering like a million dresses that were too short or too low cut (so I would have to layer, and I think layering in the summer is generally too hot) or just plane unflattering I decided it was worth the risk of messing up. I used this tutorial. I obviously made a few adjustments and prefer this method of sewing. The wing it method. I just fitted the skirt around my waist, sewed it on to some elastic, traced a top and sewed it all together. Granted I made some mistakes I either thought my arms were really skinny or forgot to leave a seam allowance so winged that as well. The original dress sleeves were super cute but I really wanted and needed something light and airy and this fabric was just too perfect to use for any other purpose. I promptly went back and purchased 3 more knit fabrics and have an awesome wing it idea for one of them! I love making my own clothes it's always been one of my top dreams. I know this is super shallow but I have always wanted to be a clothing designer. My family always discouraged me, but really if I've had one constant dream and passion besides my family and nutrition it's clothing. So it's so fun for me to finally live this out, plus maternity fashion is either terrible or terribly priced, sometimes both! I wish I wasn't so tired all the time so I could start my new one before I deliver this baby!
Looks so great, I'm impressed! I also wish I sewed more of my own clothes!