
Sunday, November 1, 2009

Book Club demanded that we be something scary for Halloween something I've never done before so I went for a witch. TJ chose to be a scarecrow to kind of match. At work one of my coworker's daughter asked me if I was the witch from Sleeping Beauty and I said "yes the one with the apple" she looked at me confused and I realized later on because that was the witch in Snow White whoops anyways, we stopped by with the nieces and nephews for a family hot dog BBQ at Jeff's and then headed to a party at one of my friends Rachel's. Rachel and I picked out the same wedding ring, except they added more diamonds to theirs. We have the same dress only mine in Ivory and her's and white and recently we learned we have the same camera. All of these things were chosen before we became friends. Somehow I neglected to get a picture of us. One of the highlights was TJ playing Rock Band for the first time. He aced everything the first try. One of his natural talents who knew? Up top is Vanessa and I we were roommates when I first moved out here everyone thinks we are sisters even when I went to look at the house the other two roommates said I reminded them of her. So there we are the Spaniard and the Greek somehow that European blood crossed into something similar.


  1. hey friend liz, i need your address so i can send you a christmas card. can you call me or leave a comment on my blog.thanks and i hope everything is going well. miss you tons!!!

  2. ooops maybe I should send it for next year???
