
Sunday, July 13, 2014


Lately I've been thinking about directions.  I've done this run a few times before, it's called Forrest Hollow it meets up with another trail called, Boy Scouts and comes back in to town.  I have always done it with more experienced people, and I generally float along following their directions.  I thought I knew it well.  I even studied it at 3am the night before so I wouldn't get TJ's sibs lost when I took them.  However, I studied the wrong part because this was the part I least thought I would get lost on.  It's the part I was most familiar with, but that made it all the more trickier, because I had done so many different routes once I had gotten to this section.  I also should have known since I was running with Lisa that we would get lost.  Actually it crossed my mind, we have a history of getting lost on our runs together.  Last time we were in Seattle and figured if we just kept running around the lake we would get back.  However there were channels off the lake and we were lost!  This time we were only 3 miles out of the way and in all fairness I knew that we would end up in the same general vicinity.  Plus we had a nice scenic byway through Docs.

It got me thinking though.  How often do we really know where we are going to end up in life?  Hopefully we all have goals of where we want to be, but I think we often end up somewhere else entirely.  Or maybe we just get there a different way than we had planned.  It usually ends up being harder but I think in the end it's usually better.  I hope anyways, so far that has been my experience in life.  I love to know the end from the beginning but how often can we actually know the exact outcome of everything we do?  My brain struggles with this, as it leans on the scientific side.  It also used to drive me nuts when my husband would say he knew how to get somewhere and get us completely lost.  He did teach me to enjoy getting lost though, and especially with him!  But I guess sometimes you just have to follow your heart and let it go!  I would love to hear other peoples thoughts on this.  My thoughts on this still feel rather immature, but I feel like I'm learning some life lesson from this all.

Thursday, May 15, 2014


After getting my new phone we headed off to UT, Talmage and I were abducted in Springville for a girls trip that started at the Springville art museum, where some of this fine ladies art was showcased  I actually just deleted those images a few days ago, but I can't wait to purchase her art someday, I'm really sad I missed out on my last favorite, like regretting it big time, I may have to call her.  The ones that follow are some other ones that caught my eye.


Grandpa Dean dropped by to say hi in St George


reunited with Dadda, going back to work the next day

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Motherhood turned me socially awkward!

Anyone out there with kids, feel like they all of a sudden don't know how to talk to people anymore.  People talk to me and I'm like, yep I'm great (I haven't slept in like 2 years actually, I don't have the time I would like to workout, I clean up poop and pee and fight play with a 2 year old all day, I eat whatever is in our fridge and easiest to make because, I don't have time or energy to think about this anymore, I get dressed and think this would look so much better this way but remember that it will probably just get spit up on, stretched and pulled, on top of it all I have other responsibilities that I try to remember but usually forget) but what parent has this all figured out, clearly not me, but I'm happy, can't really tell you why except I love those kids and they are just so cute!  However at the end of the day when I put my kids to sleep, I think, wow, I didn't even ask so and so how they were, I just kind of blankly smiled and tried to not draw attention to myself so that I could disappear and take care of my kids.  I like all these so and sos but over years of all this, this is who I am turning into.  Any moms have tips?