This past Saturday was such a

beautiful day. We awoke at 4:30 to hike Mt Olympus with some friends, overall it wasn't that hard but I just kept a rather steady and slow pace the whole way up. On top there is a journal to sign and a mailbox and flag through rock pelts to the head and cuts we made it to the very top. On the way down I ran till my big toes could take no more. I had several phone calls on the way down. One from my brother in law about my dear mission presidents passing. Pres. D. Michael Stewart was such an optimistic and positive person I would have guessed he was 64 tops and come to find out he was 71. He has had such an impact in my life. Looking back he is exactly the mission president I needed and now that I look back at the lessons he taught me they are even more powerful. He taught me to "kill the pig" which is a lesson I've really needed to remember lately. Basically something like 99% of our fears are just fears based on nothing but fear. When he was a little boy he slept in a crib and every night when the lights went out this pig would start snorting and pinch him I even recall it played instruments. He would yell to his mother and the pig would run away. Some time past and he eventually found out that the pig was his mother snoring and I think he pinched himself on the crib or something. Anyway lesson learned our fears are the same in that they usually are based upon our imagination, so we need to kill the pig and walk in faith! I should have recorded it, Pres Stewart was actually a motivational speaker. He taught me to fly like an eagle not a turkey. I will never forget his twinkling eyes especially as he sang "what a great day, what a great day, what a great day, ohhhhh, what a great day what a great day" repeated till you either smile or can't take it anymore, or when he showed up in green doing some Irish jig for some meeting or dressing up for the approved/unapproved clothing meeting. I'll never forget the counsel and guidance and blessings he gave me. Whenever I hear "Adam, where art thou" I will choke up and cry. I can't imagine how he loved all of us sisters like his own children and never forgot our names or who we were. How he let only my departing group have a sleep over in his house made for kids, (that's him standing behind us in his apron, cooking us great food) he told me he was just a big kid too and that is how they ended up with a fire pole from the top floor to the basement, lofts, secret studies, playhouses, and stage/indoor fire pits. He taught me that petty people talk about other people, mediocre talk about things, and great people talk about ideas! I'm still working on that one well all of them really. I have no doubt where this man is as he lived such a wonderful life. I can't wait to see him again! I wish I could have hugged him a few more times and seen his twinkly eyes and maybe learned a few more lessons at his feet but his lessons have hit me even more deep with his passing as I've contemplated what type of person he was/is and how that has impacted me. It was such a comfort to receive this news on such a beautiful day in such a peaceful place. Earlier in our hike our friends dog knocked some large rocks into a friends head as we were climbing the last bit, we told her "it's ok to cry", on my way down they in turn told me the same but I knew that nothing not even his departing this earth would ever dim that twinkle or mar his smile as he has the big picture in his mind and knows the greater plan.
The minute I arrived home we headed to Strawberry Reservoir for some mad fishing with the Connolly's, what a great day, what a great day ohhh!