
Thursday, May 20, 2010

Where the Hell is Matt?

Where the Hell is Matt? (2008)

Learn to Appreciate Technology

BBQ Chicken Pizza

So I came home from work starving, but not just for any food, specifically BBQ Chicken Pizza!!!!!!! I found an amazing and quick crust recipe from it only took about 15 mins. to rise for the topping I put:
too much BBQ sauce
chicken-cooked by TJ in a pan (although I think grilled would be even more delicous)
green and red bell peppers
red onion,
smoked Gouda on one half, and mozzarella on the other it was yummy!!!! Like I said before bell peppers are pretty much in everything I cook!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Adventures in Cooking

I decided to blog about food more, I love food, I love cooking, nutrition, and eating!!!! The following meal is in no way one of my best:
I decided before my last final of the semester that I needed to plan meals again, first reason being, I eat healthier when I eat dinner, otherwise it tends to be candy plus ice cream, and maybe some food at about 9 or 10, second of all and much more importantly my husband perpetually looses weight and looks like he belongs in a concentration camp, his self made dinner consists of a peanut-butter sandwich and yogurt, much better than my improve dinner. Anyway being the aspiring nutritionist/dietitian and cook that I am I want to blog about food. So I started making a list at work, my brain likes to be doubly if not triply occupied. I started asking coworkers for some ideas because I feel like I always make the same variations of a constant theme when if comes to dinner. Peppers, mushrooms, and cheese integrated in some fashion to make either, spanish, asian, or italian food. My coworkers first suggestion was a broccoli chicken caserole. About a week later it finally came into frution. Most recipes I found had mayonaise in it, sounded gross to me, so I chose to just throw it all together my self:
1 C brown rice
enough broccoli to cover the bottom of the pan
! can of cream of chicken soup
all the mushrooms I had left in my fridge
a really big breast of chicken
some milk poured on top
and about 1/4 of a white onion
and 2 T of butter shhh don't tell TJ

It turned out very tasty however there was a bit too much chicken and not enough rice for my tastes but with an extra cup of rice I think it would have gone perfect.
TJ just walked in the door and his eyes got all big with excitement when I pointed to dinner, yeah!!!